A little trumpet fanfare, please …

I’ve hit it—the 100-books-sold mark for my novel, CAIRNAERIE. I am elated and enormously grateful for all those friends and acquaintances who have read it and shared it and reviewed it on Facebook and Goodreads. For a writer, having your work appreciated—even loved—is the epitome of success.Version 2

Now begins the real work of finding new readers who don’t know me, whom I must convince that my book is worthy of their time. And there’s the work of growing my online presence and of seeking more reviews because more reviews, I understand, draw more readers.

So, a little trumpet fanfare please. I am on my way!


2 thoughts on “A little trumpet fanfare, please …

  1. Cynthia Mizer

    I LOVED this novel!!!!! The characters are deep and real, as is the home itself!! I honestly did not want to finish reading because I enjoyed it so much!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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